Fauna of the Slovak Paradise
The Slovak Paradise is a popular tourist attraction visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Despite this, we can find places where nature is undisturbed, which provides a home for many rare and endangered animal species.
The fauna of invertebrates is very numerous in species, many of them are biologically, aesthetically and economically significant. One of the rare species is also the vrzúnik mramorovaný.
There are more than 2,000 species of butterflies in the territory of the national park. Among the rarest are the jasoň červenooký and the modráčik krvavcový. Even common species, for example the babôčka zubatokrídla, have their aesthetic value.
Several species of fish can be found in the waters of the Hornád and Hnilec rivers and their tributaries. Pstruh dúhový and lipeň tymiánový are among the most numerous.
Wetlands, seeps and periodic puddles provide suitable animal conditions for amphibians.
The considerable diversity of nature creates suitable conditions for reptiles as well. Our only poisonous reptile is the vretenica severná, which seeks dry, sunny places.
The Slovak paradise provides nesting opportunities for many species of birds. Among the predatory birds, it is, for example, the orol skalný, the myšiak hôrny, or the jastrab krahulec. Sokol sťahovavý typically nests in glass cavities.
Species of the forest community include the kuvičok vrabčí, our smallest owl. The once common species of hlucháň hôrny is now on the verge of extinction. Several factors contribute to its decline, but among the most significant is the dramatic decrease in suitable habitats.
In Slovak Paradise, you can meet jeleň lesný, srnec lesný or diviak lesný. The non-native kamzík vrchovský alpský also thrives here, which mainly inhabits rock habitats.
18 species of bats winter in the numerous caves of the Slovak Paradise.
The wilderness of the Slovak Paradise also provides a home for large animals such as the medveď hnedý, vlk dravý, rys ostrovid and líška hrdzavá.