Zejmarská roklina
Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy

10,6 km
2:55 h

Ladders and rungs
Dog friendly

598 m
598 m

Trail description

The hiking trail Zejmarská roklina Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy has a length of 10,6 km with a duration of 2:55 h. The total ascent on the route is 598 m and the descent is 598 m. There are ladders and rungs on the trail and is not suitable for dogs. The trail starts and ends in Zejmarská roklina, ústie. To park at the starting point, you can use one of the available parking lots or you can also use public transport.

More information about the place
Zejmarská roklina

Photo gallery

Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy
Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy
Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy
Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy
Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy
Zejmarská roklina - Loop from Biele Vody via Zajfy

Trail marking

Zejmarská roklina, ústieStart
Geravy0:45 h 1,2 km
Rázcestie pri Geravách0:10 h 0,7 km
Malé Zajfy0:15 h 0,9 km
Veľké a Malé Zajfy0:20 h 2,3 km
Stratenská píla0:20 h 1,5 km
Dedinky0:35 h 2 km
Dedinky, hotel0:10 h 0,5 km
Zejmarská roklina, ústie0:20 h 1,4 km

Parking and public transport

Zastávka - Biele Vody, ZŠ
Parking lots & fee
Biele Vody

Alternative trails

Loop from Biele Vody
5,4 km
2:05 h
365 m